While it is well known that after the landings on June 6 1944, the multinational Allied front embarked on the terrible battle to clear eastern Normandy, then Belgium and the Netherlands, it is less well known that this front was made up of several nations incorporated into the 1st Canadian Army, under the authority of General H.D.G. « Harry » Crerar. It was an impressive infantry and armoured force of almost 450,000 men and women, including Canadian, British, Belgian, Dutch, Czechoslovak, Polish, American and French contingents.
Throughout the towns, countryside and coastal regions, units of different nationalities were to be found, sometimes only a few kilometres apart. To pay tribute to this multinational presence, the Juno Canada Normandy Committee has taken the initiative of creating an information panel entitled » Voie du Souvenir de la 1ère Armée Canadienne » (Path of Remembrance of the 1st Canadian Army).
During the Battle of Normandy, the 1st Canadian Army played a major role liberating the Channel coast from Juno Beach to Germany, via Belgium and the Netherlands.
For more information, visit : Encyclopédie Canadienne
Source map: Canadian Armed Forces